
Weight loss study (VI)

Today we are going to discuss a concept that may not seem directly related to weight loss: insulin resistance. This series is about weight loss, so many people probably think this is an article for fat people, so they see the title and turn away. In fact, being overweight is just a result of a long deterioration of the body. When we talk about weight loss, we are addressing this result. Then, instead of solving the problem after it appears, it is better to curb it in the nascent state.
10 min read
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Weight loss study (V)

They say our body is a hybrid car. It can be fueled by glucose, protein and fat at the same time, it’s just that the main fuel used varies with the speed. Then, from the perspective of a weight reducer, it is natural to want this car to burn as much fat as possible, and it is better not to touch the protein, lest we lose muscle. Unfortunately, this matter is not up to us, the body has its own rules.
8 min read
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Weight loss study (IV)

Originally, today’s chapter was going to be about hormones and energy cycles in the body. But something happened in the comments section yesterday that made me change my mind. Ever since I started writing this series, people have been rushing in every day shouting: It doesn’t need to be that complicated, you just need to do this and that! They are not interested in discussion or analysis, but rather in shoving what they think is the “most correct” (and often the “simplest”) method down your throat, just like Wang Xiaobo’s big sister who sews buttons.
9 min read
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Weight loss study (III)

In Weight Loss Research (I), we discussed the importance of a mindfulness shift. In “Weight Loss Research (II)”, we continued to discuss how to analyze and research a weight loss method after a mind shift so that you can find the one that works for you. Today I would like to discuss the issue of calories, because it does cause a lot of trouble for people. There is nothing wrong with the equation (caloric intake < caloric expenditure) = weight loss.
8 min read
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Weight loss study (II)

In the previous chapter, “Weight Loss Research (I),” we discussed the most difficult part of the weight loss problem, namely, the shift in mindfulness that creates the real need for weight loss, and the real need for weight loss that creates the real action. This part of the discussion is rather boring and lacks “practicality”. However, I still insist on discussing it because it cannot build a solid basis for discussion. Otherwise, both you and I will end up as hearsay, people follow the crowd, follow the trend of the foolish man and woman, busy looking for the “best way to lose weight”, in the end, nothing, just a waste of time and money.
10 min read
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Weight loss study (I)

If we are going to discuss weight reduction, then we may have to make a distinction between the things of the world first. The things in the world can be divided into two kinds according to the means to solve them. One is that no one has done it and you don’t know the method, such as innovation, invention, creation; the other is that there are many people who have done it, with a large number of methods and practices, some succeeding while others failing.
7 min read
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Fasting Research

I’m not very happy, I feel like I’ve been shat on like a grandson all these years. It was in the 90s, right, stir-fry can finally put more lard, fragrant, but said it is fat is harmful to health, overnight household vegetable oil up in a bucket; 30 years later, and said that fat is good, but the plant seeds plus industrial production of oil can not. It was also said that not only lard was good, but also butter was better, and that it was suitable for the elderly because they did not have to make extra efforts to digest and absorb it.
8 min read
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