Weight loss study

Weight loss study (X) Appendix

As I promised before, I will put out an appendix at the end of the “Weight Loss Research” series to give a complete account of my weight loss process, specific methods and tools for this round. It should not be considered as a universal method, nor should it be considered as the way you should immediately refer to the implementation of weight loss, but only as a reference for your personal decision. Otherwise, it deviates from my original intention of writing the Weight Loss Research series, and may not be good for your health.
15 min read
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Weight loss study (IX)

In this issue I am going to do a review and summary of the Weight Loss Research series. There may also be a tenth issue in the future, in which I intend to detail the equipment, meal plans and workouts that I personally used for this round of weight loss. But that is all very personal experience and experience, and only appropriate to appear as an appendix to the full series. So, today’s “Weight Loss Study (IX)” is the end of the body of this series.
10 min read
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Weight loss study (VIII)

If you research issues related to weight loss as I do, then sooner or later you will encounter papers fighting each other as I did in yesterday’s Weight Loss Research (VII). We want answers, so who better authority than medical scientists, and what more serious content than papers in professional medical journals? However, once you go that far, you will suffer as much as I did. Because the opinions of these medical scientists are not uniform, the content of medical journals is not guaranteed to be “correct” because the editorial board allows some findings to be published, but perhaps the conclusions do not support the findings; and some analyses to be published, but perhaps the methods and samples themselves have imperceptible flaws.
10 min read
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Weight loss study (VII)

Whenever we talk about low carb diets and protein and fat supplementation, we always hear the question: What about elevated cholesterol? Those who have updated their nutrition knowledge will ask more specifically: What about elevated LDL cholesterol? The topic of cholesterol is quite complex, and it is not easy to make it clear, just thinking about how to write about it gives me a headache, so I just keep avoiding and delaying it. Now that I’ve come to chapter 7, there’s really no room for dodging and retreating, so I’ll just have to write a little bit of the information I’ve collected and organized.
10 min read
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Weight loss study (VI)

Today we are going to discuss a concept that may not seem directly related to weight loss: insulin resistance. This series is about weight loss, so many people probably think this is an article for fat people, so they see the title and turn away. In fact, being overweight is just a result of a long deterioration of the body. When we talk about weight loss, we are addressing this result. Then, instead of solving the problem after it appears, it is better to curb it in the nascent state.
10 min read
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Weight loss study (V)

They say our body is a hybrid car. It can be fueled by glucose, protein and fat at the same time, it’s just that the main fuel used varies with the speed. Then, from the perspective of a weight reducer, it is natural to want this car to burn as much fat as possible, and it is better not to touch the protein, lest we lose muscle. Unfortunately, this matter is not up to us, the body has its own rules.
8 min read
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Weight loss study (IV)

Originally, today’s chapter was going to be about hormones and energy cycles in the body. But something happened in the comments section yesterday that made me change my mind. Ever since I started writing this series, people have been rushing in every day shouting: It doesn’t need to be that complicated, you just need to do this and that! They are not interested in discussion or analysis, but rather in shoving what they think is the “most correct” (and often the “simplest”) method down your throat, just like Wang Xiaobo’s big sister who sews buttons.
9 min read
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