Weight loss study

Weight loss study (III)

In Weight Loss Research (I), we discussed the importance of a mindfulness shift. In “Weight Loss Research (II)”, we continued to discuss how to analyze and research a weight loss method after a mind shift so that you can find the one that works for you. Today I would like to discuss the issue of calories, because it does cause a lot of trouble for people. There is nothing wrong with the equation (caloric intake < caloric expenditure) = weight loss.
8 min read
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Weight loss study (II)

In the previous chapter, “Weight Loss Research (I),” we discussed the most difficult part of the weight loss problem, namely, the shift in mindfulness that creates the real need for weight loss, and the real need for weight loss that creates the real action. This part of the discussion is rather boring and lacks “practicality”. However, I still insist on discussing it because it cannot build a solid basis for discussion. Otherwise, both you and I will end up as hearsay, people follow the crowd, follow the trend of the foolish man and woman, busy looking for the “best way to lose weight”, in the end, nothing, just a waste of time and money.
10 min read
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Weight loss study (I)

If we are going to discuss weight reduction, then we may have to make a distinction between the things of the world first. The things in the world can be divided into two kinds according to the means to solve them. One is that no one has done it and you don’t know the method, such as innovation, invention, creation; the other is that there are many people who have done it, with a large number of methods and practices, some succeeding while others failing.
7 min read
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